Booking regulations
Hotel Service Development Association introduces these Terms and Conditions implementing the provisions of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 144 item 1204 as amended).
Chapter 1
General provisions
- 1. Definitions of terms used in the Regulations:
- a. Act - Act on provision of services by electronic means of 18 July 2002 (Journal of Laws 2002 No. 144, item 1204),
- b. Electronically provided services - the performance of a service which takes place by sending and receiving data by means of ICT systems, at the individual request of the Service Recipient, without the simultaneous presence of the parties, whereby the data are transmitted via public networks within the meaning of the Telecommunications Law,
- c. Means of electronic communication - technical solutions, including ICT devices and cooperating software tools, enabling individual communication at a distance by means of data transmission between ICT systems, in particular electronic mail,
- d. Service provider - euroHotel Katowice - Hotel Services Development Association 10 Zofii Nałkowskiej Street, 40-425 Katowice, NIP:9542809990
- e. Customer - an entity using the services of the Service Provider who is a party to a contract for the provision of services being a natural person, legal person or organisational unit without legal personality, who undertakes to comply with these rules. A customer is also an entity that orders the provision of certain services electronically under the terms and conditions set out below.
- f. Technical Specification - a set of information about the Service Provider's ICT system and the technical requirements necessary to work with this system.
- 2. The operator of the www.eurohotelkatowice.pl website is PPHU A-M S.C based in Jaworzno tel. 32 616-22-21
- (3) By using the website, the customer declares his/her acceptance of the terms and conditions without the need for a separate agreement.
Chapter 2
General terms and conditions for the provision of electronic services.
- (1) The Service Provider shall provide services to the Client to the extent and under the conditions set out in these Terms and Conditions.
- (2) The Customer undertakes to comply with these Terms and Conditions.
- (3) The Service Provider reserves the right to carry out maintenance work on the ICT system, which may cause difficulties or prevent Service Recipients from using the services. The dates of the works and their expected duration will be published on the website before the works commence.
- (4) In special cases affecting the security or stability of the ICT system, the Service Provider has the right to temporarily cease or restrict the provision of services, without prior notice and to carry out maintenance work to restore the security and stability of the ICT system.
- (5) In order to ensure proper use of the website and the Services provided electronically by www.eurohotelkatowice.pl, the Customer's computer equipment must meet the following minimum technical requirements: access to the Internet, installed browser - Google Chrome recommended, possession of a current, active and correctly configured e-mail account.
- 6 During the use of the website, cookies are installed on the Service Recipient's ICT system. The use of the website is conditional on allowing the installation of cookies
Chapter 3
Types and scope of electronic services provided
1 The service provider provides the service electronically through the booking system on the website www.eurohotelkatowice.pl.
2. Booking of accommodationa. Reservations at www.eurohotelkatowice.pl. is made by following the steps recommended by the automatic booking system, filling in the booking form and ordering the required payment.b. A booking is deemed to have been made when the booking party makes a payment via the dotpay payment system.c. The consequences of the booking party providing incorrect data in the form are the sole responsibility of the booking party.d. The prices shown in the system are per room per night and include VAT.e. The unit of payment is the Polish zloty (PLN).
3 Making payment and invoicing. Payments are made directly during the booking process and are a condition of confirmation. Such a completed booking is considered guaranteed.b. The intermediary for payment processing is dotpay. Accepted payment options (credit card types and transfers supported by dotpay) are displayed each time a booking is made through the system.c. The hotel is obliged to issue a VAT invoice as soon as payment is received. For non-business travellers, the hotel is obliged to issue a VAT invoice only "upon request".e. If the data necessary for issuing an invoice is not filled in, the hotel will consider that the booking was made by a non-business traveller who does not request a VAT invoice.
4 Confirmation of reservation. The system of the www.eurohotelkatowice.pl website confirms the booking automatically after the payment is made - the confirmation message is generated on the computer screen. The booking is considered guaranteed.b. Additionally, the system automatically generates an e-mail confirmation sent to the booking person's address given in the form.
Chapter 4
Responsibilities of the operator - hotel
a. The hotel is not responsible for unavailability of the booking system for reasons beyond the hotel's control.
b. For security reasons or any other reasons beyond the control of the hotel, the hotel has the right to temporarily suspend access to www.eurohotelkatowice.pl for the period of time necessary to rectify the risks or irregularities that have occurred.
c. In the event that the customer, during the course of the service, discovers faulty performance of the contract (i.e. inconsistent with the booking conditions and the service/product description posted on the www.eurohotekatowice.pl system), the customer should immediately notify the service provider.
Chapter 5.
Conditions for changes and cancellations
Failure to pay for a reservation automatically cancels the reservation.In the event of cancellation or cancellation of a non-refundable reservation, the guest will be charged the total price of the reservation.
Making an effective booking and paying the booking fee means that the person making the booking confirms acceptance of the booking conditions set out in these terms and conditions.
In the event of a shortened stay, the amount paid is non-refundable.
Chapter 6
Complaint procedure
(1) Complaints may be filed for:a. Failure, through the fault of the Service Provider, to meet the deadline specified in the contract for the commencement of services to the Customer,b. Failure to provide the services properly or for faulty billing.2. A complaint must be in writing under pain of nullity.
(3) A complaint may be lodged within 30 days from the date on which the service was provided or was to be provided.
(4) A complaint about the non-performance or improper performance of a service must contain, in particular, its subject matter and the circumstances justifying it.
(5) The Service Provider shall consider the complaint within 14 days from the day on which the complaint was lodged. If the complaint cannot be considered within this timeframe, the Service Provider shall notify the complainant in writing within this timeframe of the reasons for the delay and the expected timeframe for consideration of the complaint.
6 If the terms of the complaint procedure are violated, the complaint may not be accepted.
7. The complaint should be sent to the e-mail address recepcja@eurohotelkatowice.pl.
Chapter 7
Transitional and final provisions
In matters not covered by these terms and conditions, the provisions of the Civil Code (Journal of Laws 1964r. No. 16, item 93, as amended), the Act on Providing Services by Electronic Means (Journal of Laws 2002r. No. 144, item 1204, as amended) and other provisions of generally applicable law shall apply.
(2) The competent court for disputes arising from these Terms and Conditions shall be the common court with jurisdiction over the Service Provider's registered office.