euroHOTEL Katowice - accommodation with travel voucher
Which hotels and nightspots in Katowice can use the tourist voucher?
Is your family entitled to a travel voucher and are you looking for a reliable hotel place? Time is running out to redeem this benefit (only until the end of March!), so we have put together an offer for you of a place that has a good reputation with guests and accepts payment in the form of a voucher. Are you curious? Check out the answer in our article.
Tourist voucher - what is it?
The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic caused a collapse in the tourism market in Poland. For months, hotel owners were unable to receive guests in their establishments and made no money. It is for this reason that the Polish government has prepared a benefit that supports tourism and also acts as an aid to Polish families.
To encourage travel in the country, families with children can receive a £500 travel voucher for each child under 18.
Are you entitled to this benefit and want to take advantage of it? Remember that the bonus is valid until 31.03.2023, the end of this month!
Katowice - verified accommodation for a tourist voucher
You can use this one-off benefit from the government for accommodation in guesthouses, farms, camping grounds or even a hotel. The list of places in Katowice is not extensive. Although the tourist voucher is a guarantee of payment for the owner of the venue, they are still reluctant to accept this type of payment or have not applied for this government scheme at all.
You are wondering which hotel in Katowice will redeem your travel voucher, but don't have time for an advanced search? We have a ready answer for you. It's good standard hotel, with a large choice of venues and a clear policy on voucher gratification from the Government.
Hotel EUROHOTEL is a proven venue with many positive reviews. Customers remark on the multiple room configurations, comfortable beds, clean space and friendly staff. None of the hotel's guests have reported any problems with voucher recognition - it is accepted without any additional requests or confirmations.
Don't delay in booking your place on the tour! The time to use the voucher ends on 31.03.2023!